Updated November 23, 2024

The following are my opinions and my take on the evidence. Please examine the facts for yourself.

What if we have been looking at things in the wrong way?

I’m just going to be blunt here.  I’m not judging you for whatever decision you have made or will make in the future. However, in my opinion, when we look at multiple sides of the story… When we really review the facts…Most of the mainstream thinking on viruses, germs, influenza, jabs and disease is nonsense.  It is illogical and based on a very shaky or nonexistent foundation and fear-mongering.  These ideas have proven extremely dangerous and deadly and have led to so much unnecessary pain and suffering.

Most of us have been indoctrinated in virus and germ theory our entire lives, taught by our parents, who were taught by their parents, and so on, going back many, many decades.  So this is a really big topic that will take a long time to start to understand. We cannot learn the other side of the story in a day or two.  Please give yourself months at the least if you would like to start to understand these things better.


“Vaccination is not only useless, but positively injurious; instead of protecting its subjects from contagion, it actually renders them more susceptible to it by depressing the vital power and diminishing natural resistance.”-John W. Hodge

“vaccination has no scientific leg to stand on”-Walter Hadwen

Vaccines have not helped anyone.  They never have and never will.

Humans need proper sanitation-

  • Clean, fresh water
  • Clean, fresh food
  • Proper removal of sewage and trash
  • Clean work environment
  • Clean living environment

Not vaccines.

Flus and Viruses

In a very abbreviated explanation, what we experience as the flu or a cold is coming from a detox cycle of our body It is from within us, not from an external virus that is coming into our body and “infecting” us. The particles/cellular debris or substances that are labeled as “viruses” do not cause disease.  They never have and never will.

There are a wide variety of triggers all around us which trigger our liver to dump bile, which is quite toxic.  Those of us that are sicker than others have accumulated more toxic bile from things in our life such as:

  • Dietary choices
  • Medications
  • Supplements
  • Fad Diets
  • Traumas
  • Stresses

This bile is meant to be excreted into the toilet.  Whatever bile is not eliminated is reabsorbed by the body and travels back to the liver, for it to continue this cycle. Many of us have a damaged and overworked liver, damaged bile ducts, and weakened or damaged intestines.  This means that when our liver dumps bile, some of the bile can leave the proper liver to intestine loop and enter into our bloodstream. Toxic bile in the bloodstream can travel anywhere there is blood flow in the body. So we can have any number of symptoms and damage as this toxic bile moves through the blood touching almost any area in the body.

Some of the triggers that can cause our body to dump a larger than normal amount of bile can be:

  • soluble fiber
  • minerals that support detox and bile dumping
  • EMFS from cell towers, radio waves, routers, wireless signals, etc
  • EMFS/Radiation from solar activity
  • sudden increase in above EMF activity
  • sudden decrease in above EMF activity
  • significant increase in stress
  • significant reduction of stress
  • increase of toxic foods
  • reduction of toxic foods
  • chemicals
  • nervous system patterns changing-moving from freeze and shut down toward sympathetic or social engagement
  • Sunlight, UV-B, Red Light, Near-Infrared Light
  • Exercise (Core Muscle Contractions Especially)
  • Heat
  • Sweating
  • Massage (Particularly “Deep Tissue”, AKA Uncomfortable Massage)
Some causes of Increased Illness are:
  • Poor Sanitation
  • Electromagnetic Frequencies from Radio,cell,internet, Space Weather, Etc.
  • Vaccines
  • Fad Diets
  • Poor mineral quality in soil and foods
  • Medications
  • Excessive Bile Dumping Triggers
  • toxic bile circulating through our blood
  • Lack Of Meaningful Social Connections
  • Lack Of Love
  • Lack Of Meaning And Purpose In Life
  • Lack Of Touch


Some Solutions Are:
  • Improve Sanitation
  • Reduce and Eliminate Vaccines
  • Reduce and Eliminate Medications where possible and safe
  • clean up our bile
  • Reduce, Eliminate, or Mitigate EMF Damage
  • improve our detox
  • heal the liver,Gut,kidneys
  • improve our mineral status
  •  heal our nervous system, relational system, stuck traumas, and stress patterns
  •  navigate and mitigate what we know to be our bile-dumping triggers as best we can
  • Improve Meaningful Social Connections
  • More Love
  • Improve Meaning And Purpose In Life
  • Improve Healthy Touch


I hope to explore these topics further at some point in the future.  But for now, here are some resources that helped me to understand these topics better.

I recommend you first reading the following books with an open mind in their entirety to see the bigger picture.

The Invisible Rainbow, A History of Electricity and Life, 2020 by Arthur Firstenberg

Dissolving Illusions, 2013, Humphries and Bystrianyk

What Really Makes You Ill, 2019, Lester and Parker


You can also check out these websites:





After reading these, then we can combine these ideas with the idea of toxic bile theory of Dr. Garrett Smith and everything will become much clearer.  You can check those out here.



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