What if we have been looking at things in the wrong way?
I’m just going to be blunt here. I’m not judging you for whatever decision you have made or will make in the future. However, in my opinion, when we look at multiple sides of the story… When we really review the facts…Most of the mainstream thinking on viruses, germs, influenza, jabs and disease is nonsense. It is illogical and based on a very shaky or nonexistent foundation and fear-mongering. These ideas have proven extremely dangerous and deadly and have led to so much unnecessary pain and suffering.
Most of us have been indoctrinated in virus and germ theory our entire lives, taught by our parents, who were taught by their parents, and so on, going back many, many decades. So this is a really big topic that will take a long time to start to understand. We cannot learn the other side of the story in a day or two. Please give yourself months at the least if you would like to start to understand these things better.
I hope to explore these topics further at some point in the future. But for now, here are some resources that helped me to understand these topics better.
I recommend you first reading the following books with an open mind in their entirety to see the bigger picture.
The Invisible Rainbow, A History of Electricity and Life, 2020 by Arthur Firstenberg
Dissolving Illusions, 2013, Humphries and Bystrianyk
What Really Makes You Ill, 2019, Lester and Parker
You can also check out these websites:
After reading these, then we can combine these ideas with the idea of toxic bile theory of Dr. Garrett Smith and everything will become much clearer. You can check those out here.
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