What can we look for as we move forward in healing our body, mind, and nervous system?
First, healing is not linear, so it is normal to have a lot of ups and downs and a bit of a bumpy ride. In my own experience, every couple of months I could notice a shift in one or more areas of my life. Sometimes these were subtle changes, and sometimes these were more significant, but either way they were signs that growth and expansion was happening.
Check in on yourself every couple of months and review how you have been improving. Keep it in mind through your rough patches. You are improving! Things are changing for the better!
Here are some things I’ve seen with myself and others that can possibly happen as we continue to put in the work the best we can.
Nervous System:
- Greater ability to handle day-to-day stress without burnout and overwhelm
- Greater ability to notice your own nervous system patterns
- Greater ability to notice others’ nervous system patterns
- Greater ability to handle things you were formerly sensitive to-foods, clothing, sounds, smells, visuals, etc
- Improved body temperatures
- More stable and more responsive body temperatures
- Greater digestion
- Find it easier to digest energy-intensive foods such as protein and fiber
- Greater ability to tolerate supplements and minerals
- Greater feeling of wellness and health overall
- Improved mood
- Reduced anxiety/depression
- Ability to feel pleasure
- Reduction of pain
Emotional System:
- Greater ability to sit with and feel emotions-If you used to find it difficult to feel sad or to feel angry, but have an increased awareness of these emotions, that is a great sign.
- Greater ability to feel compassion for others and self-compassion
- Greater ability to express emotions in a healthy way
- Greater ability to feel your abandoned or protector “parts” that you could not recognize before- It may be easier to visualize these parts or to use imagery to describe them in more concrete and clear ways.
- C-PTSD-Greater awareness of your emotional flashbacks and emotional flashbacks happen less often, aren’t as intense, or don’t last as long
- Greater ability to self-soothe in healthy ways
- You have periods of hope and joy and excitement
- You feel that there is some emotional color or emotional warmth that is accessible. It feels like part of you is coming back “online”.
Relational System:
- Greater ability to set healthy boundaries in relationships
- Greater ability to say “no” and assert yourself with reduced guilt or no guilt
- Greater ability to see unhealthy relationships and have the desire to want to leave them and move toward what is truly healthy for you
- You find it easier to be in social settings and to engage in conversations
- You find it easier to touch or be touched by others. You find it easier to want to move toward giving someone a handshake, hug, pat on the back, etc.
Addiction System:
- Reduction of addictions
- Feeling like you have a window of choice to decide to follow impulses/compulsions or to choose not to follow them
Core-Self System:
- Greater ability to express what you need, want, desire, hope for
- Greater ability to connect with your values
- Greater ability to make life choices based on true wants and needs, not just obligation or guilt or responsibility
- Great ability to know when you need rest and relaxation
Physical System:
- Improved body temperatures
- Improved mood, mental focus
- You may be able to reduce or eliminate medications because your body is in greater balance.
- Improved ability to sweat in warm temperatures and feeling less ill in the sun and the heat
- Greater ability to handle foods
- Greater digestion-reduced bloating, better bowel movements, reduced constipation, reduced diarrhea
- Body temperature and metabolism does not drop as much after eating meals
- Improved energy levels
- Improved ability to regulate your body’s fluids and electrolytes without fatigue especially in warmer temperatures
- Healthier skin, nails, hair, eyes
- Increase in colds/flus-If the body was in shut down mode for years or decades and now it starts to open up and the organs and detox start improving, your body, liver, bile, fat cells, intestines, etc will clear out toxins more easily. This may result in some flu symptoms, which is actually a good sign overall.
Lifestyle System
- Greater joy in life
- Greater ability to balance life’s responsibilities
- You feel more open to life and to opportunities that arise
- Overall reduction in clutter and disorganization?Spiritual System:
- Greater connection and love and appreciation for God
- Greater connection and joy in nature