Do you know how many gallons of maple sap it takes to boil it down to get 1 gallon of syrup? Anywhere from 20 to 100 gallons depending on the sugar content, according to a quick google search.

Do you know how long I’ve been trying to make sense of all the health information I’ve come across? About 15 years or so. Just the outline of my course ideas has been in the works for the last couple of years, and only recently has it come to be fleshed out. Well, not really fleshed out. More like, I think it has most or all of the bones there in mostly the right positions. (I hope! šŸ˜¬)

So what would I say is the syrup? If we cook off all the water, and remove all the fluff, all the non-essentials. What would be left? Can you believe I’m going to give you this information right here? Right now. For free!

If I were to boil everything down to it’s simplest, most condensed form, as I currently understand it. The essence. It would look something like this:

Step One: 2 Causes of Illness

All illness, and all sickness. From acne to Zygomycosis. From CPTSD to Schizophrenia. Whether we are talking about physical ailments to mental ailments, to relational difficulties, to spiritual difficulties.

All feelings of unwellness stem from only 2 causes.

Someone who is unwell, has some level of

1.toxicity     and/or     2. deficiency

They have too much of something, and or, not enough of something. In other words, someone who is unwell, has on one level or multiple levels, fundamental needs that are not being met properly.

For examples:

Physical-Toxicity/Deficiency leads to illness (heavy metals/chemical exposure in the workplace).  Logical-Toxicity/Deficiency such as lies and half-truths lead to illness (“Cigarettes are not addictive or harmful.”).                                                                                                                             Relational-Toxicity/Deficiency leads to distrust, disconnection, illness (Abuse, neglect, misattunements).                                                                                                                                          Nervous System-Toxicity/Deficiency leads to danger, threat, unsafety and illness (Stresses, Traumas, PTSD, CPTSD, chronic illness syndromes).                                                                          Emotional System-Toxicity/Deficiency leads to fear/shame

So if:

Fundamental needs not being met=Toxicity/Deficiency=Illness

then I believe the opposite to be true.

Meeting our fundamental needs=Sufficiency/Good Enough=Wellness

For examples:

Physical=Needs met (diet for example)=wellness.
Logical=Needs met (research and discussion for example)=truth and wellness.
Relational=Needs met (attuned listening and support)=trust, connection, unity of mind and body.  Nervous System-Needs met (time, space, awareness)=Safety in calming of nervous system.  Emotional-Needs met(space and allowing for expression without shaming for example)=love, joy

In Summary So Far:

  1. Only 2 causes of sickness                                                                                                   
  2. Fundamental needs not being met=Toxicity/Deficiency=Illness
  3. Sufficiency/Good Enough=Wellness

If I’m saying that our fundamental needs have to me met for wellness, how do we find these needs and how do we start to organize them?

Step Two: Fundamental Needs

Currently, I’ve chosen to organize them as follows:

Logical/Analytical System

Nervous System

Emotional System

Relational System

Addiction System 

Core Self System

Physical System

Lifestyle System

Spiritual System

Step Three:Using Logic and Principles as Foundation

It is important to use some logic and reason to find some Foundational Health Principles that we can apply as we explore each of these 7 systems.

Step Four:Priorities for Safety, Effectiveness, Efficiency,Balance

How can we get feeling better in a way that is safe, effective, and efficient?

Is there a priority list or an order that we should go in for healing? I believe the following to be a good set of priorities, although not always clearly in this order.

  1. Education
  2. Regulation
  3. Detoxification
  4. Restoration
  5. Flow/Balance/Health

To summarize the summaries:

How do we get well or move toward wellness?

  1. Understand there are only 2 causes of illness: Toxicity and Deficiency
  2. Find out what our fundamental needs are across the 7 different systems, so we can move out of toxicity and deficiency and into sufficiency and “good enough”.
  3. Use logic and health principles as our foundation.
  4.  Use health priorities to safely and effectively and efficiently work on brining our health into better balance.


  • We want to move toward what is loving.
  • We want to move toward what is true.
  • We want to move toward what is safe.
  • We want to move toward what is sufficient.
  • We want to do this in a balanced way if possible.

The plan is to keep exploring and expanding on all of these concepts and what they really mean.

I hope you can stay tuned!…

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