I’m born and raised in central Pennsylvania, in the Susquehanna Valley. The Susquehanna River, the longest river on the American east coast, flows through the hills and valleys and farmlands of this region.

About 11 years ago, my curiosity and beginning health explorations motivated me to taper myself off of benzodiazepines and SSRIs, medications I had been on for over 10 years. This turned out to be a severely traumatic experience that changed my life and my world forever and started me into the exciting world of chronic illness and more! Fantastic!

My faith, my relationships, my trust in myself and my body, and my ability to live a “normal” life all received a major blow. I can’t go back to how my life was before. Some experiences change us so much that we can only do our best to repair ourselves. To start building new bridges toward what we need.

As I sought help from therapists, coaches, nutritionists, doctors, specialists, courses, books, God, the Bible, and friends, I started to peel back more and more layers of my story. Much of the advice I was given was unhelpful at best or made me sicker at worst. The people I expected to be experienced and understanding guides didn’t have a clue. I didn’t know what was happening with me exactly and how to ask for help, so I didn’t get the support I needed.  Overall, I always got the feeling that something was missing. Answers that I hoped were there but that nobody could give me. If I made progress at all, it was only for a little while, always hitting a new roadblock or another patch of road that was missing. So I just kept walking. I just kept asking questions.

My pretty severe dysautonomia (dysregulated nervous system) from my medication withdrawal started me learning about primarily nutrition and supplementation and detoxification. This progressed into studying nervous system health. As I made deeper connections with my traumatized friends and worked on my own nervous system with tools such as TRE, I discovered how developmental trauma had shaped my entire life, and everything started making so much more sense. The craziness of 2020, motivated me to do a deeper dive into how the world works and spirituality. My venturing deeper into healing my chronic illness the last several years has helped me to explore various brain retraining programs and somatics-based practices. Most recently, this has led me to exploring the areas of co-counseling and sharing modalities, touchwork, complex PTSD in more detail, the idea of our core self (inner child work or Parts work) and addiction. I continue to refine all of my previous understanding of what I’ve learned up until now. I hope to make it clearer and simpler and relatable for others to understand.

Throughout my life, I’ve dealt with and tried my best to cope with and heal from chronic depression, general anxiety disorder, panic attacks, OCD, C-PTSD and its toxic shame and emotional flashbacks from early life, and then protracted withdrawal symptoms, dysautonomia/chronic illness, and most likely another round of PTSD or C-PTSD from Benzos and SSRI discontinuation.  I’ve made a lot of progress on some of these, but still have a ways to go.

I received my TRE certification with the help of Alex Greene of Redbeard Somatic Therapy. I consult with him on questions I have and on brainstorming ideas.

I am passionate about continuing both my education and practicing to help myself and others in a more comprehensive way.

What about you? I would love to hear your story.  What brought you here?  Please feel free to reach out or book a free discovery call.

Let's explore this wide world of health together.

Education and Trainings

  • 3.5 Hours-TRE® and Explicit Memories
Nervous System
  • 34+ Hours Smartbody Smart Mind Program with Irene Lyon
  • 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up with Irene Lyon
Chronic Illness
  • DNRS-Self Practice and Partial- Living DNRS 12 Week Group Program
  • 30 Hours-Primal Trust Level 1
  • 22 Hours-Primal Trust Level 2-In Progress
  • ~8 Months-Weekly Co-Counseling using mostly Peak Living Network’s Structure
  • 4 Hours-Using Art Therapy to Explore Shame
  • ~7 Hours-Neuroaffective Touch®: A Somatic Toolkit for Healing Emotional and Relational Trauma
  • ~4 Hours-Nervous System Evolution 2.0 by Rome Za
  • 3 CCE Units- An Introduction to Positive Psychology by Positive Psychology
  • 6 CCE Units-Emotional Intelligence Coaching Masterclass by Positive Psychology
  • 5 CCE Units-Realizing Resilience Coaching Masterclass by Positive Psychology
Nutrition and Cellular Health
  • 30 Hours-HTMA Training with Dr. Garrett Smith
  • 4 Hour Course-The Cell Blueprint by Metabolic Fitness